Monday, May 7, 2007

Photos of Roses and Violets from my Balcony Garden

This is a photo of Topaz Jewel, a hybrid rosa rugosa. Topaz is a wonderful rose for her musky fragrance and the unique personality of her blooms. I was struck by the delicacy of her petals and how lovely even her stamens look after her petals frop. I also really enjoyed the fragrance of her leaves - a refreshingly poky green leaf fragrance. The following are photos of viola tricolor that we purchased by the flat from a local nursery in very early spring on a rainy day. I came to really love my violets one day when after pruning and cleaning up the roses and peonies on my balcony I plunked down right in front of the violets in sheer exhaustion. As I was slowly recovering from my exhaustion I was delighted to note a lovely fragarance which I couldn't place. That is when I tipped my nose down to the violets. What a wonderful moment. I really loved this new gentle fragrance and it was coming from them. But that was not the only delightful thing I discovered. Violets, or at least the bunch on my balcony, were the most sociable and chatty and cheerful creatures I could have ever imagined. I promptly entered into their conversation and sat entertained by them for some time. Along with the lovely roses and peonies who had come into my life I was blessed by the presence and friendship of these wonderful little flowers as well.

This is a photo of Louise Odier, a Bourbon, I believe. She is a very lovely plant and has the most graceful way of arching out and placing her limbs. I was especially moved by this bud and how it was delicately supported by another branch. Usually Bourbons are considered leggy and twiggy. And this is in fact true. Louise is very different from say Carefree Delight who is a happy go-lucky shrubby little thing that cheerfully puts out loads and loads of blooms to cheer one's heart. You can see images of Carefree Delight in the photos in the right margin at the top of the page.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Photos of Roses and Peonies from my Balcony Garden

These three photographs attempt to capture the entire balcony garden. As can be seen I was not very successful. One was taken from inside the apartment looking out onto the balcony; the others were snapped outside on the balcony itself looking down at the plants. In these photos you can see Carefree Delight, the pink roses by the balcony railings, a modern peach beauty that has a heirloom look and the green of the other plants. The middle photo is a close up of Carefree Delight. Louise Odier is right behind her with her blooms nodding down. You can also note that there are green peony buds just waiting to bloom.

The above two photos are from blooms on the same bush - funny how they appear two different colors in the photo. In the sunlight, the blooms appear to me a peach tinged pink - essentially I guess an orangey pink color.

Post Script to April 28th's entry

In case there are any interested readers who would like to review the Collatz (Hailstone) paper with the tables properly formatted please feel free to send an e-mail request. I will try to oblige and send it as an MS Word Document.