what is mindfulness?
mindfulness is the self observing its mental and physical phenomena. mindfulness is the observation by the self of its own mental and physical phenomena.
what is observation?
observation is the act of looking at, monitoring, keeping track of, inventorying, identifying, distinguishing of mental and physical phenomena. it is saying "i am experiencing this..." "i am remembering that...." "i am thinking...."
observation does not preclude or exclude or obviate the need for experiencing. in fact it is just enriched experience. instead of just going along with the experience you are also saying you are having this experience. so when you are thinking, recognize you are thinking and also continue thinking about whatever it is you are thinking about.
what is effort?
effort is action, it is the exertion of the self in a task. it is the "willing" of the self which manifests in action.
what is concentration?
concentration is mindfully looking at something.
what is faith?
faith is mindfulness of one's limitedness.
what is wisdom?
wisdom is mindfulness of what you know. knowledge becomes wisdom when the self recognizes it knows the object of knowledge.
what is the difference between thought and wisdom?
thought is characterized by an emotional component. wisdom does not have an emotional component.